
Putting a value on how you charge your working hours is fairly easy. The important value in life is what price you put on your leisure. If you buy this premise, and you love fly fishing, you are pretty quickly into values that are beyond measure and financial rationalization.
— Highland Waters landowner


Highland Waters has become a magnet for individuals who share a commitment to environmental values, treasure their privacy and seek stress-free living.

Current landowners include surgeons and other medical professionals, lawyers, bankers, advertising executives, business retirees, researchers, engineers and geologists... plus a builder, a photographer, a veterinarian and a vigneron!

 H7D5759webHighland Waters resembles a forested amphitheatre, with protection from prevailing northwesterly winds and southwesterly winter squalls. Over eighty species of birds favour this part of Tasmania, including majestic wedge-tailed eagles, sea eagles and ten of Tasmania’s twelve species of endemic birds. Native fauna also abound, such as platypus, wombats, quolls, bettongs, bandicoots, wallabies, possums and Tasmanian devils.

Lake Highland Waters is surrounded by white mountain gum (Eucalyptus dalrympleana), gum top stringy bark (E. delegatensis) and swamp peppermint (E. rodwayi), as well as the rarer cabbage gum (E. pauciflora), and abundant wattle, native pepperberry and hakea. Abundant supplies of insect life in this ecosystem ensure a food supply for the lake’s plentiful brown and rainbow trout.

Strict building covenants and protective angling rules ensure ongoing conservation of the natural environment of Highland Waters.

Allotments are large, providing distance between neighbours and ensuring built structures are not visually intrusive.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to buy, or invest in, what I deem to be a slice of heaven. I find the area to be very peaceful and tranquil, the concept of Highland Waters as a nature reserve is also outstanding.
— Highland Waters landowner